Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Set work for Todays Class 6/11/13

Starter: What would you suggest is the hypothesis of their study?

Use the 3 hours today to develop your idea for your Creative Artefact (5 minute short film). You have the option of filming them this time (ie applying to Film, Media or Creative Arts courses for your portfolio)

Look on youtube and research 'A2 Film Studies Coursework' and look at the short films

1. Record you Pitch on Photobooth - your idea for your 5 minute short film based on your Hypothesis

2. Collage/Mood board images of the narrative, themes and style of your film and communicate how it builds on your exemplar texts/study

3. Film your 5 minute film as test footage on iphones and edit (individually - help each other)

4. Upload all the above to your COURSEWORK blog by 3:40 to get your registration mark - if not complete then you will be presumed AWOL (absent without leave)

You will be screening this to Mr Dixon on Friday

Good luck - looking forward to seeing what you have come up with!