1. Answer the question
How dependent are the films on Narrative to communicate their Messages (about Spain & France)
Task 1: What arguments have we got?
REVISION: Go through your notes -Mind Map:
WHAT ARE THE MESSAGES/Ideas the film expresses?
What National contexts have influenced these
2. How do the films differ in their dependency on Narrative to communicate Messages of France & Spanish National Cinema?
Make a Judgment - which depends more? Why? How are they different?
3. Give examples to back this up
Task: Go through your blog notes - back up the Mind Map with Textual Detail.
Conclusion: What detail on the key moments from the films related to Narrative are missing between you an your mentor partner?
Task: Self Evaluate:
Main Issues:
- Not READING and therefore NOT ANSWERING the question
- No Notes
- Incomplete Notes
- No ACTIVE Revision (Planning, reducing, practice, analysis of clips etc)
- No knowledge of Mark Scheme
Common Mistakes:
NOT AS question - not requiring you to consider whether they conform to CHN or individual theories on Narrative (Media students take note - not Q1b), but how the films USE and DEPEND on Narrative to get their messages across.
DO NOT go through and explain Propp, Todorov, CHN etc...USE these to analyse how the MESSAGES are communicated.
NOT a Trivia Quiz - irrelvant if Del Toro is Mexican or Kidnapped, or if Amelie is Racist - only if you APPLY it to your analysis to make a POINT that answers the question.
2nd Session:
30 minutes to prepare response to exam question:
Exam Question 1: Representation
How successfully are the films you have studied represent examples of National Cinema in their messages? Refer to specific examples in their cultural context.
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